Swapping two nodes
Given a linked list and two characters to swap , WE NEED TO SWAP TWO NODES NOT THE VALUES given. Algorithm step 1- start traversing the linked list step 2- assign the nodes which contain the given values as t1 and t2.respectively step 3- assign the previous nodes before the nodes contain the given values as p1 and p2 step 4-assign p1 next node to t2 step 5-assign p2 next node to t1 step 6-assign t1 next node to t2 next node step 7-at last assign assign t2 next node to p2 step 8-end For example the given linked list be 1->2->3->4->5->null swap 3 and 5 according to the algorithm p1 node will be 2 t1 node will be 3 p2 node will be 4 t2 node will be 5 then while we execute the below code p1.next=t2; p2.next=t1; t1.next=t2.next; t2.next=p2; the nodes get swapped. output will be 1->2->5->4->3->null Code public class L...